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Ingkle — IIoT Brand eXperience

2 Months
work type

Empowering people to connect values with things.

Ingkle, Inc.

Ingkle is a South Korean company that specializes in providing industrial IoT expertise and solutions to manufacturing and environment companies worldwide. The company was previously known as Innobase, and the project was a rebranding effort to establish a new image and identity for the company.


The challenge for this project was to create an image of a trusted expert while delivering professional solutions for customers. The goal was to establish a reliable brand experience for customers and dissolve "Ingkle-ness" in all touchpoints.

Users & Audience

The target audience for this project was primarily manufacturing and environment companies worldwide who were in need of industrial IoT expertise and solutions.

Roles & Responsibilities

- Defining "Ingkle-ness" and evolving it into a visual language - Building Ingkle's own brand system - Creating a new logo, data visualization, and design systems - Delivering a reliable brand experience to customers

Scope & Constraints

- The project scope included rebranding efforts for the company, including a new logo, data visualization, and design systems. - The project had a tight deadline, and the team had to work efficiently to meet the deadline. - The budget for the project was limited, and the team had to work within the constraints of the budget.

Outcomes & Lessons

- The project was a success, and the rebranding efforts helped establish a new image and identity for the company. - The team was able to deliver a reliable brand experience to customers and dissolve "Ingkle-ness" in all touchpoints. - The project taught the team the importance of clear communication and efficient collaboration to meet tight deadlines and budget constraints.

Before After
coming soon.
Light Mode Dark Mode
coming soon.

Project Process



Conducted research on current branding and target audience to understand customer needs and preferences.


Concept Development

Developed concepts for new logo, data visualization, and design systems based on research findings.


Design Execution

Executed design of new logo, data visualization, and design systems based on chosen concept.


Testing & Evaluation

Conducted user testing to evaluate effectiveness of new branding and make necessary adjustments.



Implemented new branding across all touchpoints, including company products and marketing materials.

For more about the design process, please contact me separately.


Alvin Kim
Visual Designer @ Hi-Fi Design Studio
Heather Lee
Design Researcher @ Hi-Fi Design Studio
Julie Lee
Designer @ Hi-Fi Design Studio
Tony Baek
Leader, Designer @ Hi-Fi Design Studio
Jaecheon Kim
CEO @ Ingkle, Inc.
Yunchan Cho
Senior Software Engineer @ Ingkle, Inc.
Thank you.
Tony Baek's signature
Tony Baek's signature
About me

Execution is my mantra.
I design ideas into reality. 🤘

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